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■ 프로그래밍/알고리즘

[JS] Is this a triangle?

[ 문제 ]

Implement a method that accepts 3 integer values a, b, c. The method should return true if a triangle can be built with the sides of given length and false in any other case.

(In this case, all triangles must have surface greater than 0 to be accepted).



[ 내 풀이 ]


2020.10.30 (10m)

function isTriangle(a, b, c) { 
  const sortArr = [a, b, c].sort() 
  if (sortArr[2] < sortArr[0] + sortArr[1]) return true 
  return false 

가장 긴 변의 길이가 나머지 두개의 변 길이 합 보다 작으면 삼각형 성립


출처: CodeWars


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